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Our Sessions


We are excited to announce that we will be offering extended hours from 8am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday during term-time for all children aged 2-5 from September 2024, to better serve the needs of our parents.

Over time, we have designed and adapted our sessions to meet the high standards of today’s world of education. By providing a supportive environment, we make sure each child receives exactly what they need to reach their potential.

We currently charge £6 an hour for all sessions and age groups.   We also ask our parents to contribute 10p for snack for each morning session.  All children qualify for 15 hours of free education and care from the term after their 3rd birthday.  You may also qualify for 2-year-funding and 30 hour funding.  More information can be found here.

For enquiries or to arrange a visit, please call us on 01793 849955.

Jelly Tots Class (children aged 2-3)

Our Jelly Tots sessions are designed for our younger children to play and learn with their peers.  Jelly Tots sessions have a high staff ratio, allowing the staff to give your child lots of attention and support to help them settle in at their own pace, and enjoy the start to their learning journey at Allsorts.

Jelly Beans Class (school starters aged 4-5)

Our Jelly Beans sessions are structured to help our older children get ready for school. Activities, toys and games are tailored to ensure each child achieves their individual learning goals.

The Key Person System

Our setting uses a “Key Person” approach.  This means that children have one teacher who is particularly responsible for them.   When your child first starts, your key person will help your child to settle in.

They will be working with your child to ensure that we provide the right activities and learning for your child’s particular needs and interests and record your child’s progress.

If you want to have a chat with your key person, please tell them and they will make an appointment with you.  Alternatively, Tracy is always available to speak to if you have any questions or concerns.

Cute Feet
Sessions: Programs
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